Our Mission

The RITE Plan Initiative is a nationwide effort to revitalize impoverished urban and rural communities through the creation of Infrastructure & Construction, Paths to Citizenship, Clean Energy, Sustainable Farming, Healthcare, Jobs, and Education Programs. The mission is to provide as many resources as possible for the people within the communities it serves.

RITE is Revitalization. Innovation. Transportation. Energy


  • Affordable Healthcare

  • Organic Farming

  • Educational Programs

  • Technology Investment

  • Transportation Development

  • Jobs Creation

  • Infrastructure Revival

  • Renewable Energy Programs

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The RITE Plan Picth Deck Current Problems-1.jpg

The Plan currently utilizes government programs and incentives such as Opportunity Zones, Investment Tax Credits, and others in an easy to use method that can be duplicated in cities across the country for a variety of projects. This means the benefits of The RITE Plan can easily be brought to a large number of citizens in multiple regions. The leading approach that municipalities lean towards is a Grid Connected Renewable Energy System, or in our case The RITE Plan Smart City Concept. The vision is to transform underserved communities across the nation into efficient self sustaining cities of the future.  

Smart City technology allows a municipality to manage assets and resources efficiently, aid in monitoring and managing traffic, water supply networks, waste management, energy production, crime detection, schools, libraries, hospitals, and other community services.  The RITE Plan Renewable Energy Initiative uses leading innovations in renewable energy such as solar roadways, solar roofing, vertical windmills, hydro-electric (if applicable), and waste to energy subsystems into a community’s infrastructure. These subsystems are combined with a manufacturing facility that produces the respective energy harvesters for The RITE Plan Smart City Concept. Overall this process creates an influx of jobs and revenue for a struggling municipality.

Current projects involving a Public Private Partnership shows that a city’s renewable energy production in some cases has the potential to generate upwards of $1M/day in gross revenue for the municipality it serves. This separates The RITE Plan from traditional development projects since equity is offered as an additional source of revenue to tradition tax bases strengthening a community’s economic stability.  With this additional revenue The RITE Plan provides funding for much needed social programs maintaining a higher quality safety net for a city and its most vulnerable citizens. Similar Programs have been shown to dramatically reduce crime and unemployment in affected areas while simultaneously increasing high school graduation rates and overall pride within the community.

After receiving 501(c)3 status and having our first municipality come on board for our Smart City Concept we are seeking more strategic partnerships through volunteers, donors, sponsorships, financing, and investment to make these opportunities available to everyone.


  • Brings a development project to the community, centered around sustainability and education.

  • Creates jobs for the community.

  • Establishes an oversight committee in the City’s control to monitor their due diligence processes.

  • Community members have controlling interests in all of the projects.

  • Donates development master plans for public use.

  • Partners with local contractors and community based businesses.

  • Uses the project’s revenues as collateral for city infrastructure and operations capital.

  • Donates to the city interests in projects as a source of revenue outside of taxes.

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The RITE Plan Picth Deck Solutions-2.jpg